This is my Applied I.C.T. blog. Here i post work that i have been set to do with Unit 1.

Investigate Downloading Goods and Services

| Monday, 29 September 2008
Items that me and my family have downloaded.
1. Music (CDs and Ablums)
2. Films
3. Pictures

Downloading music and films online has become a huge industry recently. First of all it is easier to download a CD or Album rather than buying an actual CD. Also, the music is downloaded direct to your PC therefore it is easier once again. Services such as Limewire and iTunes have made downloading music off the internet easier, however in some cases you have to pay and in some cases you don't.

In a sense of forfilling the websites purpose, websites such as iTunes are forfilling their purpose as they are provdiding you with music that you can download online. This is the same case with Limewire yet sometimes Limewire isn't totally legal thus not completly forfilling their purpose

In the cases you don't, there is a generally a higher risk of downloading a virus onto your computer as it may not be a safe network you are downloading off. Also, if you don't have access to the internet, you can't download things online because you are downloading off some else or a different company. Also, the file you are looking for may not be on the internet yet.