eBay's target audience is from 18 years plus as people blow 18 can't own an eBay account. However, there are items on eBay which may appeal to younger buyers such as games and iPods.
The auction process starts with one user posting an item onto the website that is up for auction. They set a reserve price so the items doesn't go for under a specific guideline. Also they set a time limit for which the item needs to be sold by.
Above, you can see a section from the bidding of a iPod touch. You can see the starting big and an area in which to place a bid. You can also watch this item which keeps track on other bids for the product via your phone or instand messaging. I think eBay furfills its purposes well as it is easy for you to bid for items and also host auctions online. It is also well monitored so that only genuine items are bidded for or hosted online.
Advantages to eBay may be that you can find an item on eBay which may be hard to find on other websites. You may also be able to find collectable items that are rare. There are also very few limitations about what you can buy and sell.
Disadvantages to eBay may be that you are not 100% going to get the item that you bid for as you may be out-bidded. Also, the item you are getting is second or maybe third hand meaning the quality of the product may not be as good as brand new. Also, you can't buy illegal merchandise meaning you might not always find what you are looking for.
eBay is successful as a shopping model it easy to bid for items and easy to access as a website. Everything is also layed out clearly so it is easy to find what you are looking for. Also, you are more likley to find the item you are looking for as someone will have it and have put it on eBay.
URL: http://www.ebay.ie/ or http://www.ebay.co.uk/
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