Day 1: Sunny, 18oC, Northerly Wind (12mph), Moderate Visibility, 53 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 2: Sunny, 18oC, Easterly Wind (14mph), Moderate Visibility, 56 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 3: Sunny Intervals, 20oC, Easterly Wind (10mph), Moderate Visibility, 50 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 4: Showers, 18oC, Northerly Wind (8mph), Moderate Visibility, 45 Humidity, 2 UV and Low Pollution
Day 5: Light Showers, 17oC, Northerly Wind (17mph), Moderate Visibility, 60 Humidity, 2 UV and Low Pollution
Day 1
19th September 2008
Weather: Sunny Intervals
Temperature: 19oC
Wind: Northenly Wind (12mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 53
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 2
20th September 2008
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 17oC
Wind: Easterly Wind (14mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 55
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 3
21st Sepetember 2008
Weather: Sunny Intervals
Temperature: 20oC
Wind: Easterly Wind (8mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 45
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 4
22nd September 2008
Weather: Light Showers
Temperature: 18oC
Wind: Northerly Wind (8mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 54
UV Index: 2
Pollution: Low
Day 5
23rd September 2008
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 17oC
Wind: North Easterly Wind (17mph)
Visibility: Good
Humidity: 60
UV Index: 2
Pollution: Low
From the above, the BBC weather reports are fairly accurate with near enough predictions for each day. Though some details were inaccurate, it was only inaccurate by a few degrees. However, had the service been paid for, i feel there would be little change in accuracy as you can't always predict the weather 100% so paying for this service wouldn't make much of a difference.
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