Blogger Access
I texted this message from my mobile phone.
Online Entertainment
1. BBC iPlayer
2. Youtube
3. iTunes
4. Texas Holdem Poker
5. Xbox Live
BBC iPlayer is a website in which people can watch episodes and tv programs from the BBC channels online after the time they are shown on TV. This is useful for people who missed a program and want to view it. Also BBC iPlayer provides another way of recording and saving tv programs as it has a feature to do this. However, you can only download a video for a certain number of days and the video itself is removed after 1 week. This limit the time you have to view this program. I feel BBC iPlayer is aimed at most age ranges as it have a wide variety of programs thus forfilling its purpose.
Youtube is also a video website yet anyone can post and view videos on its website. This is useful if you want to find a certain video that someone has posted online. Though in this aspect it is useful, you may not be able to find the exact video you want. Also, the quality varies as anyone can post on Youtube. Youtube is aimed at teenagers mainly as these are the ones who use it the most. Yet Youtube is appealing to more and more people because of the range of videos on the website.
iTunes is a program you can download off the Apple website. iTunes alowes you to change your mP3s into a format which an iPod can play. Also online, there is music you can listen to and videos you can watch. Though you can listen to some music, you have to pay for the full song. It is also the same as videos. Again, iTunes appeals most to teenagers as they are more likely to have an iPod.
Texas Holdem Poker on Facebook is a way of playing Texas Holdem without betting actual money. It is also free if you sign up to Facebook. It also provides an easy way to chat to friends while playing. However, anyone can own a facebook thus meaning anyone can join in games, unless you set up a private game. Also, this way of playing poker is much cheaper than actual poker as you can't loose actual money but just money you are given on the game. This would appeal from 16-25 as these age ranges are most interested in playing poker.
Xbox Live is a online way for Xbox gamers to play matches online. You can join with friends and also chat with them through the headset. Likewise with Facebook, almost anyone can own an xbox and get access to xbox live unless you set up a private game. The main purpose of Xbox Live is to expand the game you are playing into an online world where you can play other gamers. However, Xbox Live costs £40.00 a year thus being a limitation as most online games are free.
Investigate Downloading Goods and Services
1. Music (CDs and Ablums)
2. Films
3. Pictures
Downloading music and films online has become a huge industry recently. First of all it is easier to download a CD or Album rather than buying an actual CD. Also, the music is downloaded direct to your PC therefore it is easier once again. Services such as Limewire and iTunes have made downloading music off the internet easier, however in some cases you have to pay and in some cases you don't.
In a sense of forfilling the websites purpose, websites such as iTunes are forfilling their purpose as they are provdiding you with music that you can download online. This is the same case with Limewire yet sometimes Limewire isn't totally legal thus not completly forfilling their purpose
In the cases you don't, there is a generally a higher risk of downloading a virus onto your computer as it may not be a safe network you are downloading off. Also, if you don't have access to the internet, you can't download things online because you are downloading off some else or a different company. Also, the file you are looking for may not be on the internet yet.
Investigate Government Services
Information Services
On Fareham Borough Council website, you can view about the council, local area, community, buisness and economy and council services. In the council servcies, there is an A-Z list of different services that fareham bourogh council provide and do. These include recycling, commercial waste and transportation. If you have access to the internet, you can easily view the different services that Fareham Borough Council provide for the community.
On the Labour website, you can sign up to the website and read through the policies and start campaigns. Same as Fareham Borough Council website, you can view the different services that Labour provides. There is a less comples view of this at the bottem of the page. This includes asylum and immigration, transport and schools. Because this information is provided online, there is less need to print out leaflets or flyers which cost money and waste paper. If you have access to the internet you can view relevant information.
Online Reporting and Advice
On the Fareham Borough Council website, you can go into the community section where different support is provided for people under the "people" section. Then, it is split up into different sections so you can narrow down and find what section suits you best. This also saves money and paper as all the information that could be on a leaflet is posted online.
Online Payments
On the Fareham Borough Council website, you are given a range of options in which to pay your council tax, housing rent, parking penalties and other payments. There is also an option to pay online where you can pay 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This saves money as people can pay online rather than other ways. This means they don't have to pay people to be in call centers to work for them thus saving the governments money.
On the Labour website, you can donate to Labour very easily as part of signing up. They make this easy to do as they will want to encourage people to donate. There are also other options where you can start fundraising and start campaigns to raise money for labour.
According to a Cabinet office report in 2004, the UK Government hopes to have saved £1.3 Million within three years by migtrating its services online and to have saved consumers £1 thousand million. This is possible as they can post their information online. This means they do not have to spend money on paying people to work in call centers. Also, it is cheaper to use a debit card as the bank isn't charged thus saving money again. Because the information is online, there is less demand for leaflets and flyers which cost alot of money to produce and aren't eco-friendly.
Research Online Education
2.BBC Learning URL:
3.Oxford College learning URL:
4.Bitesize URL:
5.Dover broecks URL:
Personally i feel that ICS is the best online education website as it contains good data which is easily accessable. BBC learning is also a good example of this yet i feel it isn't layed out as well as ICS. Oxford College learning has a alot of information yet like BBC it isn't layed out as well. Bitesize is good for revision purposes yet it lacks depth in the learning section. Dover Broecks is also quite good at suppling information yet it is too complicated to use.
Macromedia Virtual Classroom
Most rooms have ongoing classrooms so you can always join. You can also make your course as part of a larger curriculum and track who has participated and completed training. You can also register learners for your classes. From then, you can send e-mails and course reminders.
Disadvantages to this is the fact that you need access to the internet to access a virtual classroom. So say if your internet is down for the day, you may miss a class and be behind.
Use a Simulation
Explore Learning Objectives and Simulations
The website above is aimed at A Level Students by the way it is written on the screen. It offers information about how the internet was set up and people making money off the internet. It also covers early home computers which were set up. I think this website has covered its purposes well as it has adequate information about different information about how the internet and World Wide Web was set up.
This website shows us that education can be used on the internet rather than in the form of a book. This makes it more accessible and doesn’t use paper. However people who don’t have access to the internet or don’t have the skills required to use this website, may struggle to find this information.
eBay's target audience is from 18 years plus as people blow 18 can't own an eBay account. However, there are items on eBay which may appeal to younger buyers such as games and iPods.
The auction process starts with one user posting an item onto the website that is up for auction. They set a reserve price so the items doesn't go for under a specific guideline. Also they set a time limit for which the item needs to be sold by.
Above, you can see a section from the bidding of a iPod touch. You can see the starting big and an area in which to place a bid. You can also watch this item which keeps track on other bids for the product via your phone or instand messaging. I think eBay furfills its purposes well as it is easy for you to bid for items and also host auctions online. It is also well monitored so that only genuine items are bidded for or hosted online.
Advantages to eBay may be that you can find an item on eBay which may be hard to find on other websites. You may also be able to find collectable items that are rare. There are also very few limitations about what you can buy and sell.
Disadvantages to eBay may be that you are not 100% going to get the item that you bid for as you may be out-bidded. Also, the item you are getting is second or maybe third hand meaning the quality of the product may not be as good as brand new. Also, you can't buy illegal merchandise meaning you might not always find what you are looking for.
eBay is successful as a shopping model it easy to bid for items and easy to access as a website. Everything is also layed out clearly so it is easy to find what you are looking for. Also, you are more likley to find the item you are looking for as someone will have it and have put it on eBay.
URL: or
Orange Top Up Online
5 Day Weather Survey
Day 1: Sunny, 18oC, Northerly Wind (12mph), Moderate Visibility, 53 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 2: Sunny, 18oC, Easterly Wind (14mph), Moderate Visibility, 56 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 3: Sunny Intervals, 20oC, Easterly Wind (10mph), Moderate Visibility, 50 Humidity, 3 UV and Low Pollution
Day 4: Showers, 18oC, Northerly Wind (8mph), Moderate Visibility, 45 Humidity, 2 UV and Low Pollution
Day 5: Light Showers, 17oC, Northerly Wind (17mph), Moderate Visibility, 60 Humidity, 2 UV and Low Pollution
Day 1
19th September 2008
Weather: Sunny Intervals
Temperature: 19oC
Wind: Northenly Wind (12mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 53
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 2
20th September 2008
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 17oC
Wind: Easterly Wind (14mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 55
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 3
21st Sepetember 2008
Weather: Sunny Intervals
Temperature: 20oC
Wind: Easterly Wind (8mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 45
UV Index: 3
Pollution: Low
Day 4
22nd September 2008
Weather: Light Showers
Temperature: 18oC
Wind: Northerly Wind (8mph)
Visibility: Moderate
Humidity: 54
UV Index: 2
Pollution: Low
Day 5
23rd September 2008
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 17oC
Wind: North Easterly Wind (17mph)
Visibility: Good
Humidity: 60
UV Index: 2
Pollution: Low
From the above, the BBC weather reports are fairly accurate with near enough predictions for each day. Though some details were inaccurate, it was only inaccurate by a few degrees. However, had the service been paid for, i feel there would be little change in accuracy as you can't always predict the weather 100% so paying for this service wouldn't make much of a difference.
Real Time Information - Stubbington to Tottenham Court Road
Depart : 12.30
Arrive : 14.34
Time : 2hr 4min
Distance : 90.9 miles
Cost: For a Renault Clio - 8.1p per mile - 729p for 90 miles
Depart: 12.35
Change train: 12.50
London Waterloo: 14.23
Tube to Tottenham Court Road: 14.40
Time: 2hr 5min
Cost: £27.00
On the AA website, you can see different events on the road including traffic jams which can lengthen your journey. This is a useful feature as you can detour around the jam to save time. However, if you don't have access to the internet, you have to rely on radio and messages. This however can be delayed which can lengthen your journey.
I last tracked the train at 11.49 and it is on time.
On national rain enquires, I can check live updates of where the train is and what time it is expected to turn up at particular stations. This source is useful for checking whether the train will turn up on time or not.
2004 Tsunami - Digital Divide
Because some communication lines were physically damaged, one hospital posted photos on their website for people to see if they knew anyone who was there. This is one way of presenting information on a different way. Another case was a man called Vijaykumar who run a telecenter in India. He recieved the information about a Tsunami before anyone in south india did. This is an example of recieving information quickly. The Nallavadu Telecenter, where Vijaykumar was a volunteer, is part of the Open Knowledge Network, an initiative that provides communities in developing countries tools and skills. Because the Nallavadu Telecenter had the ICT skills to gather information and get it out by text messages and public adress systems, they saved thousands of lives. This is an example of people greater interactions between individuals and organisations. People were bought together via the internet as they recieved e-mails from their loved ones so they could be reunited easily. Also, websites which posted messages and pictures bought people together as they were reunited in that way.
Older communication systems wern't used as apose to new ones because most of the older communication systems were physcially damamged (such as telephone lines) because of the Tsunami. Instead newer systems were in place such as text and e-mail which people can receive directly and instantly. Text and E-mails were very effective as people could know if their loved ones were ok directly. Also, internet websites purpose was forfilled as people recognised their loved ones from pictures on the website.
The URL for the information I found is
Digital Divide Discussion Group
The URL to the google group I found was
The main google group homepage is
SMS and E-mail Comparisons
japs r wierd dey eat sushi
tis raw fish n dat
Laugh out loud are you insane
The Japanese are wierd, they eat sushi
It is raw fish and that.
E-mail and SMS are two different ways of sending messages but they are very different. For example E-mail is free providing you have access to interenet connection. However, SMS charges 10p a text. Though it costs, SMS is more direct as people are more likly to carry their phones around rather than a hand held computer. However, with mobile phones having more access to the internet, you can check e-mail's on your phone but it costs more than if you are checking on a computer. SMS internet connection is also wireless and doesn't require any wires making it more portable wereas a computer generally needs wires to work unless you have a wireless connection.