This is my Applied I.C.T. blog. Here i post work that i have been set to do with Unit 1.

Introduction and Factors creating the Digital Divide

| Wednesday, 22 October 2008
What leads to being on the wrong side of the divide?

Intro: The least digitally developed countries according to the ITU are Guinea Biseau, Chad, Mali, Burkino Fasso and Niger. Using an atlas plus information from the ITU, write down some reasons why they might be on the wrong side of the divide.

Answer: These countries may be on the wrong side of the digital divide because of their geographical location. For example, places such as Chad, Mali and Niger have parts were they have parts of the country covered by the sahara desert meaning less population meaning less chance of digital equipment access. Also, Africa is the poorest continent on earth. This means they may not be able to afford the technology to provdide digital equipment thus meaning they are on the wrong side of the divide. Also, according to the ITU "ICT/Telecommunication development in least-developed countries (LDCs) is ramping up,a nd that the digital divide is being bridghed as a result." Taken from the ITU Website


Data Response

Intro: In the section, Current Status of information technology in Sub-Saharan Africa:
Dr Odedra cites a number of infrastructual reasons for the lack of effective ICT.
What are these?
What is identified as the most pressing need for Africa (in terms of ICT)?
How successful have computer-aid projects been?
Why have they failed?
What computer skills are identified as lacking?
What lack of business skills are identified as a major problem?

Answer: The infrastructual reasons for the lact of effective ICT in less econmically developed countries is the fact that there is a lack of secondary euquipment, suitable electric power, and training. This therefore leads to people not being as experienced in the technology they are using. Also, they depend alot on Multinational Corporations meaning they have to wait for the money then just using the money straight off.
Off-the-shelf software packages has been identified as the most pressing need for ICT in africa because of the growing demand in applications. Also, it is much easier to purchase as you are buying a physcial package rather than downloading the package. Also, if you don't have internet access, this will be very useful. Also, microcomputers and personal computers have become very popular in terms of ICT because of the reduction in price.
Computer-aid projects havn't been so successful. Extensive under-ultilization of equipment and major computer based projects have failed. It hasn't been as successfull in the majority of countries when it should only be the minority.
These projects have failed because of the lack of secondary equipment, suitable electric power and training. Also, the governments of the countries involved havn't set up any strategic buying plans so everything comes in bluk or too little software comes meaning more or less people need training. Also, there is a lack of avaiable resources to maintain the ICT.
Identified computer skills that are lack are; systems analysis, programming, maintainace, consulting, operational levels from basic use to management.
The lack of buisness skills which are identified as a major problem is the fact that buisness' are buying software which no one is trained in. They need to plan which software to buy, and whether their staff are trained in this area of ICT. Also, the employee's have a lack of skills to begin with meaning they can't use the software.