Discussion - Digital Communication vs Voice Communication
Communicating with SMS does have a social downside as the conversation isn't face to face. Also, its hard to express emotion through SMS because you can't vary the pitch or pace of what you are saying. Also, it is hard to disinguish between sarcasim and serious meaning and, once again, you can't change the prosodic features of speach in a SMS text.
Also, firing off a quick e-mail has social downsides aswell as the reciever of the e-mail doesn't recieve it first hand as they get the message when they check their e-mails, causing a delayed response. So if it is important information, they may not be able to recieve the message as quick as if you were to say face to face.
When do you use e-mail?
Mainly, i use e-mail at college and at home. I use e-mails to send items such as word documents and mp3 files to friends and also to myself as a way of sending work home. I also use e-mail to write to reletives in australia as it is cheaper and quicker than calling as they usually check their e-mails. E-mail can also be sent anywere and at any time if you have access to the internet. The major benefits in using e-mail is the fact that it is cheaper than other forms of communication. Also, it is an easy way of sending files between two people. The major dis-advantages of using e-mail is the fact that you are less likley to get a imediate response to an e-mail as they can only reply once they have read the message. Also, if your internet is down, you can't send or recieve e-mails.
E-mail is more productive for me if i need to send work home. It is a cheap way of transfering work without using a memory stick. Memory sticks can be lost but your e-mail can't. I feel e-mail does forfill its intended purpose as you can send messages quickly and for cheap. However, the response isn't always instant thus resulting it e-mail not forfilling all it's purposes
URL: http://www.learnthenet.com/english/email/000mail.htm
When do you us Mobile Phones?
The main purposes of me using a mobile phone is to send SMS messages direct to someone, werever they are. I also use mobile phones to call people. It is a easy way of a 1 on 1 communication without being face-to-face. I mainly use a mobile phone to send SMS messages rather than calling people because the tariff i am on provides free text messages thus making it cheaper to text rather than to call. I usually use my mobile phone at home as i usually text to ask where to meet up. I also use my phone outside aswell when having an SMS conversation. The major benefits of using a mobile phone is the fact that the message is sent direct to someone meaning there can be a faster response time than e-mail. Also, it's a cheap form of communication no matter where you are in the world. The major dis-advatages to using a mobile phone is the fact that sending a message or calling someone depeneds hugely on signal your phone picks up. In a actual conversation, you don't need any outside help to carry on the conversation whereas with a mobile phone you do. On the whole, i feel the mobile phone does fulfill its intended purpose as it sends quick SMS texts to a reciever and there is a quick response time as apose to the e-mail.
Evaluate Your Communication
On the whole, i use my mobile phone alot more than e-mail. I was also willing to pay a considerable amount for my mobile phone. It has the same basic features as older phones (it can call and text) yet the money i payed for it means the phone i own now comes with more features which phones are coming with (e.g. mp3 player and camera). The social aspect of SMS text is the same as e-mail in the fact that it is harder to express different emotions and prosodic features, such as saracism, in the writing you text or type depending on which communication service you are using. Everyone who are typing and texting have their own personal element added in which reflects what they would say face-to-face. They may add words in which are personal to the user for reciever. The work aspect of using e-mail is mainly to send work home as a personal aspect. However, larger companies frequently use e-mail to communicate even though they may be in the same building or office block. E-mail could provide useful links to send whereas if you were to say the link to someone, you are liable to forget.
Buisness Communication
Aproximatley 20 years ago, the modern coms for business was mainly landline telephone and typed letter. These were mainly used for long distant communications. Today, these formats are reaching the end of their uses as different forms of communication for businesses are coming in. For example, cell phones, e-mail and instant messaging are replacing older coms. These alow businesses to communicate much more easily as sending an e-mail is much easier, quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. Also, calling someone on a cell phone is more easier to get the person direct rather than calling up the company itself to get hold of 1 person.
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